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Listing summary

1 x Car / SUV: Ford Fiesta

Job ref: 1236264 Date listed: 25-02-2025
Bids: 9 (0 active) Lowest bid: £0.00


Collect from:

Elgin Moray IV United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Helsby Cheshire West and Chester United Kingdom


Approx. 410 miles


Economy (7-10 days)


Economy (7-10 days)

Listing description

Body type: Hatchback
Make: Ford
Model: Fiesta
Operational: Yes
Additional information
Service type: Transported (i.e. not driven)
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
a1towing (435) £496.00 25-02-2025 Declined
supermarine (29) £496.00 26-02-2025 Declined
supermarine (29) £500.00 25-02-2025 Withdrawn
supermarine (29) £500.00 25-02-2025 Declined
a1towing (435) £525.00 25-02-2025 Declined
a1towing (435) £531.00 25-02-2025 Replaced
supermarine (29) £554.00 25-02-2025 Replaced
a1towing (435) £613.00 25-02-2025 Replaced
a1towing (435) £729.00 25-02-2025 Declined
Show closed bids


Question: in elgin only saturday the 1st march before returning home sandbach cheshire booking deadline between 6pm tonight and tommorrow morning 10am thanks graham - supermarine (25-02-2025)
Response: Would you do £500?
Question: i can do for 500 too me yes you will have the site fee as well thanks graham - supermarine (25-02-2025)
Response: No response yet
Question: just looked at my sums and i can do all in for you yes 500 but you will need too book now thanks graham - supermarine (25-02-2025)
Response: Do you know the site fees by chance ?
Question: booking required now thanks graham - supermarine (25-02-2025)
Response: No response yet
Question: its ok i have given you a total price so wen you book me know the total amount will include the site fees total is 500 - supermarine (25-02-2025)
Response: No response yet
Question: i will need you too book now as quick as you can as i am in elgin this sat thanks again graham - supermarine (25-02-2025)
Response: No response yet
Question: hi i have given you the 500 price just waiting for you too book thanks graham - supermarine (25-02-2025)
Response: No response yet
Question: please book asap as i am in elgin on sat the 1st march i want too be able too pik up your car for you but you need too b ook now well in advance of the 1st thanks again graham - supermarine (25-02-2025)
Response: No response yet
Question: ok no probs i will give you until 10pm tonight too book then i will cancel cheap quote cheers - supermarine (25-02-2025)
Response: Your original message said I had until 10 am tomorrow morning
Question: i have a car too take up too elgin on sat so booking tonight thanks or i will have too come back without yours thanks graham - supermarine (25-02-2025)
Response: All good I will leave it cheers
Question: no problem time waster i could of knocked off 100 - supermarine (25-02-2025)
Response: I’m absolutely not a time waster but you’re not gonna bully me into book by sending a million messages
Question: did you say can i do for 500 i said yes i dont have too bully anyone i make good money on this you seem like a time waster because you asked me about the 500 most people on here would of thought great i will book him but no not you - supermarine (25-02-2025)
Response: No response yet
Question: you have been reading what ai towing has said about me if you think i bully people he is wrong as well but i am in the process of sorting him out legally for slanderous messages about me he does no even know anything about me learn too read my feedback you will see how good i am sorry i cant help you on this occasion - supermarine (25-02-2025)
Response: I thought it was a good deal and you said I had until 10 am tomorrow to book. Then proceeded to send me countless messages saying I have to book now now now
Question: i have been let down so many times by people on this site and i just assumed wrongly that by you not answering my messages you may be one of them i apologise i am 56 and dont do a lot of work on these sites as i dont like them very much - supermarine (25-02-2025)
Response: No response yet
Question: i have re posted my price for you and yes i have given you a good price some people do give big prices - supermarine (25-02-2025)
Response: No response yet
Question: no probs time wasters - supermarine (25-02-2025)
Response: Really bad way of talking to customers and doing business
Question: Hi what’s the time frame for this please - a1towing (25-02-2025)
Response: As soon as possible but the latest is May
Question: The quote is 500 and then the site add their fee of 113 I don’t give or demand booking by a certain time I’m fair and have given you a fair price - a1towing (25-02-2025)
Response: Thank you for the quote. Just to be transparent I have had a quote off another website for £522 + £13 service fee
Question: Which website was that. - a1towing (25-02-2025)
Response: No response yet
Question: If you can wait 10 to 14 days I can do it for my new quote - a1towing (25-02-2025)
Response: No response yet
Question: If you want to go ahead I’ve a mini to bring up in 10 to 14 days as the guys away if you are interested you only need accept my quote - a1towing (25-02-2025)
Response: Thank you for the new quote however as I say I have had a cheaper offer and don’t want to waste your time
Question: I’ve put another quote on to take a look at - a1towing (25-02-2025)
Response: No response yet
Question: No problem have a good evening if you would remove this request as you seem to have it covered - a1towing (25-02-2025)
Response: No response yet
Question: Hi, could your Fiesta be driven to Helsby?
I offer a fully insured professional driven service with trade plates and AA Breakdown cover, vehicle would need to be roadworthy and have a current MOT.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Alan - vehicletransuk (28-02-2025)
Response: No response yet