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Listing summary

Beneteau Oceanis 36CC sailing yacht

Job ref: 1235664 Date listed: 13-02-2025
Bids: 1 (0 active) Lowest bid: £0.00


Collect from:

Ardrossan North Ayrshire KA United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Ipswich Suffolk IP2 8SA United Kingdom


Approx. 442 miles


Economy (7-10 days)


Economy (7-10 days)

Listing description

Boat type: Yacht with fin keel
Dimensions: 10.97 x 3.81 x 3.66 m
Is it on a trailer? Yes


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Bid Amount Submitted Expires
lyntrans (29) £1,150.00 15-02-2025 Declined
Show closed bids


Question: what sort of budget do you have in mind as to distance and size ? regards nigel - lyntrans (15-02-2025)
Response: Nigel, This is a 36 foot sailing yacht 6,000kg with a 45 foot mast

I am thinking of getting a delivery skipper to sail it to Ipswich, so that I avoid the cost of lift out and back in, and de-rigging, etc.

2 transport companies have quoted £3,600 and £3,900 so wondered why your quote is so much cheaper - unless you have a return load?
Question: thankyou for that yes i have a return load going back half way to Ayrshire and then a load going back to the midlands-so quoted keenly to cover diesel cost and making profit from other two loads-regards nigel - lyntrans (15-02-2025)
Response: No response yet