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Listing summary

1 x Car / SUV: HX16 RUC Vauxhall Astra GTC

Job ref: 1234652 Date listed: 24-01-2025
Bids: 10 (6 active) Lowest bid: £252.00


Collect from:

Harlow Essex CM17 9HP United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Old Dalby Leicestershire LE14 3EE United Kingdom


Approx. 107 miles


Between dates
Earliest: 29-01-2025
Latest: 30-01-2025


Between dates
Earliest : 29-01-2025
Latest: 30-01-2025

Listing description

Body type: Coupe
Make: HX16 RUC
Model: Vauxhall Astra GTC
Operational: Yes
Additional information
Service type: No preference
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
brytan83 (255) £252.00 27-01-2025 24-02-2025
valrecovery1 (42) £299.00 25-01-2025 24-02-2025
marek82 (2) £300.00 25-01-2025 24-02-2025
graystones (29) £300.00 26-01-2025 24-02-2025
top_movers (132) £307.00 24-01-2025 24-02-2025
lee_t56 (41) £313.00 24-01-2025 24-02-2025
valrecovery1 (42) £300.00 25-01-2025 Replaced
marek82 (2) £306.00 24-01-2025 Replaced
marek82 (2) £307.00 24-01-2025 Replaced
lee_t56 (41) £349.00 24-01-2025 Replaced
Show closed bids


Question: Hello, when you want to transport a car, we are a professional transport company for over 5 years. Your car will be safe on my platform, so let me know, thank you - brytan83 (27-01-2025)
Response: No response yet