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Listing summary

Tracked chipper

Job ref: 1233595 Date listed: 03-01-2025
Bids: 13 (2 active) Lowest bid: £560.00


Collect from:

Invergordon Highland IV18 0PZ United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Mynydd Isa Flintshire CH7 6US United Kingdom


Approx. 430 miles


Economy (7-10 days)


Economy (7-10 days)

Listing description

Dimensions: 1.85 x 1.65 x 0.75 m
Is it on a trailer? No
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
a2bdispatch5000 (59) £560.00 04-01-2025 03-02-2025
arran77 (6) £759.00 03-01-2025 03-02-2025
supermarine (28) £435.00 04-01-2025 Expired
supermarine (28) £435.00 06-01-2025 Replaced
supermarine (28) £459.00 06-01-2025 Replaced
supermarine (28) £459.00 06-01-2025 Withdrawn
supermarine (28) £459.00 07-01-2025 Withdrawn
supermarine (28) £471.00 06-01-2025 Replaced
supermarine (28) £471.00 06-01-2025 Replaced
supermarine (28) £496.00 04-01-2025 Replaced
supermarine (28) £496.00 06-01-2025 Replaced
supermarine (28) £496.00 07-01-2025 Replaced
a2bdispatch5000 (59) £613.00 03-01-2025 Replaced
Show closed bids


Question: Hi, this could be collected today.

Steven - a2bdispatch5000 (04-01-2025)
Response: Im not in a massive rush so thats not too much of a worry. How much?
Question: Hi Gregg, I have just re entered a quote, if it can be collected later this evening and it can be delivered Sunday morning.

Steve - a2bdispatch5000 (04-01-2025)
Response: No response yet
Question: pik up only sunday the 5th jan booking deadline 8pm tonight only - supermarine (04-01-2025)
Response: No response yet
Question: pik up only 5th jan tommorrow wen in invergordon - supermarine (04-01-2025)
Response: No response yet
Question: booking deadline by 8pm tonight only - supermarine (04-01-2025)
Response: No response yet
Question: i am only 21 miles tommorrow from were your chipper is after delivering a car too beauly - supermarine (04-01-2025)
Response: No response yet
Question: dont worry i can still do job for you at 350 too me as long as you can book asap thanks graham - supermarine (05-01-2025)
Response: No response yet
Question: hi waiting for you too book - supermarine (05-01-2025)
Response: Can you do the 8th of jan for £350 then? Thanks, Greg
Question: 380 too me 8th jan yes if you book now - supermarine (06-01-2025)
Response: No response yet
Question: i am at home waiting for you too book dont forget your telephone number - supermarine (06-01-2025)
Response: No response yet
Question: dont forget book now then were sorted - supermarine (06-01-2025)
Response: No response yet
Question: booking required now gregg as in invergordon on 8th jan - supermarine (06-01-2025)
Response: No response yet
Question: 370 book now my friend as we keep going back and forth - supermarine (06-01-2025)
Response: No response yet
Question: gregg i can pik up 8th jan but you must make a decision - supermarine (06-01-2025)
Response: My man, currently having tea with my girlfriend ill get back to you soon as
Question: thats ok but i am very busy this time of year as long as you can book my services by 9pm tonight alls good i will make sure 8th jan is free so i can collect your chipper the price will be 380 too me - supermarine (06-01-2025)
Response: Hi, I am also a busy man hence not being able to reply at the ready I have sorted myself out now and can talk. If you honour the £370 that would be perfect?
Kind regards,
Question: as i said i am a very busy man - supermarine (06-01-2025)
Response: Okay, i understand. No problem
Question: final attempt gregg i am in invergordon only wed 8th jan - supermarine (06-01-2025)
Response: No response yet
Question: what do you meen no problem mate i am in invergordon on wed 8th jan only - supermarine (06-01-2025)
Response: No response yet
Question: give me your contact details wen you book - supermarine (06-01-2025)
Response: No response yet
Question: you need too learn some manners instead of trying too be clever with me i am trying too help you at a cheap rate if you would rather pay more too someone then thats your right - supermarine (06-01-2025)
Response: No response yet
Question: typical pikey - supermarine (06-01-2025)
Response: No response yet