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Listing summary

1 x Car / SUV: Ford Focus

Job ref: 1233494 Date listed: 01-01-2025
Bids: 17 (4 active) Lowest bid: £275.00


Collect from:

Nantwich Cheshire East CW5 6DF United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Norwich Norfolk NR3 1NP United Kingdom


Approx. 216 miles


Between dates
Earliest: 10-01-2025
Latest: 24-01-2025


Between dates
Earliest : 10-01-2025
Latest: 24-01-2025

Listing description

Body type: Hatchback
Make: Ford
Model: Focus
Operational: Yes
Additional information
Service type: Transported (i.e. not driven)


View Pictures

Bid Amount Submitted Expires
a2bdispatch5000 (59) £275.00 04-01-2025 01-02-2025
a1towing (419) £287.00 01-01-2025 01-02-2025
wedrive (3) £496.00 02-01-2025 01-02-2025
priority_ship (16) £519.00 01-01-2025 01-02-2025
arewethereyet (20) £276.00 04-01-2025 Withdrawn
a2bdispatch5000 (59) £286.00 01-01-2025 Replaced
a2bdispatch5000 (59) £299.00 01-01-2025 Replaced
a1towing (419) £300.00 01-01-2025 Replaced
a2bdispatch5000 (59) £336.00 01-01-2025 Replaced
a1towing (419) £337.00 01-01-2025 Replaced
a2bdispatch5000 (59) £343.00 01-01-2025 Replaced
a1towing (419) £374.00 01-01-2025 Replaced
arewethereyet (20) £393.00 01-01-2025 Replaced
a2bdispatch5000 (59) £496.00 01-01-2025 Replaced
a2bdispatch5000 (59) £518.00 01-01-2025 Replaced
a2bdispatch5000 (59) £583.00 01-01-2025 Replaced
priority_ship (16) £601.00 01-01-2025 Replaced
Show closed bids


Question: Go get this booked in for your chosen dates you only need to accept my quote - a1towing (01-01-2025)
Response: No response yet
Question: I’d be very careful with a1towing. He uses a very wobbly trailer that I wouldn’t toe a scrap car on never mind a customers car.
Kind regards,
Steven - a2bdispatch5000 (01-01-2025)
Response: No response yet