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Listing summary

1 x Car / SUV: Peugeot 205gti

Job ref: 1233437 Date listed: 29-12-2024
Bids: 17 (4 active) Lowest bid: £250.00


Collect from:

Ebbw Vale Blaenau Gwent NP United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Workington Cumberland CA United Kingdom


Approx. 303 miles


ASAP (1-3 days)


ASAP (1-3 days)

Listing description

Body type: Hatchback
Make: Peugeot
Model: 205gti
Operational: Yes
Additional information
Service type: Transported (i.e. not driven)
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
a2bdispatch (47) £250.00 30-12-2024 29-01-2025
wedrive (3) £422.00 30-12-2024 29-01-2025
classic_movers_555 (30) £496.00 29-12-2024 29-01-2025
ads_enclosed_trailer_solutions (37) £554.00 30-12-2024 29-01-2025
a1towing (404) £227.00 30-12-2024 Withdrawn
a2bdispatch (47) £251.00 30-12-2024 Replaced
a1towing (404) £252.00 30-12-2024 Replaced
a2bdispatch (47) £287.00 29-12-2024 Replaced
a1towing (404) £288.00 29-12-2024 Replaced
a2bdispatch (47) £299.00 29-12-2024 Replaced
a1towing (404) £300.00 29-12-2024 Replaced
a2bdispatch (47) £312.00 29-12-2024 Replaced
a1towing (404) £313.00 29-12-2024 Replaced
a2bdispatch (47) £336.00 29-12-2024 Replaced
a1towing (404) £337.00 29-12-2024 Replaced
a2bdispatch (47) £360.00 29-12-2024 Replaced
a1towing (404) £374.00 29-12-2024 Replaced
Show closed bids


Question: Does it start and drive to load - a1towing (29-12-2024)
Response: Yes drives
Question: Ok is the 3rd ok with you to collect and deliver - a1towing (29-12-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: Ok thank you for the info have you any dates in mind - a1towing (30-12-2024)
Response: No response yet