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Listing summary

1 x Car / SUV: Mercedes CLS

Job ref: 1231643 Date listed: 18-11-2024
Bids: 15 (0 active) Lowest bid: £489.00


Collect from:

Glasgow Glasgow City G212AA United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Virginia Water Surrey GU25 4DB United Kingdom


Approx. 404 miles


Economy (7-10 days)


Economy (7-10 days)

Listing description

Body type: Saloon
Make: Mercedes
Model: CLS
Operational: Yes
Additional information
Service type: No preference
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
relyonme8 (637) £489.00 19-11-2024 Declined
theno1vehicletransporter (48) £490.00 19-11-2024 Declined
relyonme8 (637) £494.00 18-11-2024 Replaced
uk.logistics.cam (56) £496.00 18-11-2024 Accepted
uk.logistics.cam (56) £501.00 18-11-2024 Replaced
relyonme8 (637) £502.00 18-11-2024 Replaced
relyonme8 (637) £513.00 18-11-2024 Replaced
uk.logistics.cam (56) £524.00 18-11-2024 Replaced
relyonme8 (637) £525.00 18-11-2024 Replaced
relyonme8 (637) £537.00 18-11-2024 Replaced
uk.logistics.cam (56) £565.00 18-11-2024 Replaced
tomauto (559) £566.00 18-11-2024 Declined
uk.logistics.cam (56) £572.00 18-11-2024 Replaced
tomauto (559) £583.00 18-11-2024 Replaced
wedriveyourvehicleusingtradeplates (574) £595.00 18-11-2024 Declined
Show closed bids


Question: Hi, when would you like transport please?
Regards Tom - tomauto (18-11-2024)
Response: Hi, delivery within a week
Question: Hi. How are you? Do you have a preferred date you would like this vehicle transported?
Many thanks Jay - theno1vehicletransporter (18-11-2024)
Response: No preferred date as long as it is within a week
Question: Hi. Many thanks for your reply. We can collect on Monday for you and deliver to you on Tuesday morning. I look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards Tom - tomauto (19-11-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: Can this also be a driven service - theno1vehicletransporter (19-11-2024)
Response: Yes