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Listing summary

1 x Car / SUV: Ford Fiesta

Job ref: 1227369 Date listed: 20-09-2024
Bids: 17 (0 active) Lowest bid: £0.00


Collect from:

London Greater London E United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Glasgow Glasgow City G1 1AB United Kingdom


Approx. 403 miles


Fixed date


Fixed date

Listing description

Body type: Hatchback
Make: Ford
Model: Fiesta
Operational: Yes
Additional information
Service type: Transported (i.e. not driven)
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
wendy-neil (11) £422.00 21-09-2024 Withdrawn
mjyellowtowtruck (17) £422.00 21-09-2024 Expired
mjyellowtowtruck (17) £434.00 21-09-2024 Replaced
uk.logistics.cam (51) £435.00 21-09-2024 Expired
mjyellowtowtruck (17) £447.00 21-09-2024 Replaced
uk.logistics.cam (51) £458.00 21-09-2024 Replaced
a1towing (376) £459.00 21-09-2024 Expired
uk.logistics.cam (51) £465.00 21-09-2024 Replaced
wendy-neil (11) £483.00 21-09-2024 Replaced
a1towing (376) £483.00 21-09-2024 Replaced
wendy-neil (11) £496.00 21-09-2024 Replaced
a1towing (376) £496.00 21-09-2024 Replaced
wheelpal (38) £499.00 21-09-2024 Expired
a1towing (376) £553.00 21-09-2024 Replaced
wendy-neil (11) £554.00 21-09-2024 Replaced
a1towing (376) £613.00 20-09-2024 Replaced
lee_t56 (40) £694.00 20-09-2024 Expired
Show closed bids


Question: Hi my quote is to transport not drive driven should be 75 percent less than transported - a1towing (21-09-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: Hi What this bidder is saying is absolute rubbish as the fuel costs and the mileage is just the same wether its driven or transported so he should concentrate on his own bid and stop slagging everyone elses. - wendy-neil (22-09-2024)
Response: No response yet