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Listing summary

4.25m boat on trailer - Piggyback on car transporter/flatbed

Job ref: 1226536 Date listed: 11-09-2024
Bids: 3 (0 active) Lowest bid: £729.00


Collect from:

Wicklewood Norfolk NR18 9QJ United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Lochgoilhead Argyll and Bute PA24 8AE United Kingdom


Approx. 421 miles


Economy (7-10 days)


Economy (7-10 days)

Listing description

Boat type: Yacht with bilge keel
Dimensions: 6.00 x 2.50 x 2.00 m
Is it on a trailer? Yes


View Pictures

Bid Amount Submitted Expires
a1towing (444) £729.00 12-09-2024 Accepted
supermarine (29) £788.00 11-09-2024 Withdrawn
a1towing (444) £963.00 11-09-2024 Replaced
Show closed bids


Question: Is the trailer roadworthy.
Regards Hugh - northerndancer (11-09-2024)
Response: I don't know Hugh, which is why I'm suggesting a piggyback. thanks
Question: Hi for this trailer to be roadworthy it needs bearings brakes and tyres to be good also the trailer hitch needs to be fitted with a secondary coupling device or a breakaway cable or chain - a1towing (11-09-2024)
Response: Hi - I didn't say this was a piggyback on flatbed as not sure of trailer. I have updated job now and sorry for the error
Question: How much is the gross weight of the trailer and Yacht please.
Regards Hugh
- northerndancer (11-09-2024)
Response: Hi Hugh - Sorry I don't know that. Will try to look it up. It's a Silhouette Mk3. I have update the job to say this request is for a piggyback service as not sure of trailer. Thanks
It is 584kg displacement and I'd reckon another 100kg for the trailer. Thanks
Question: get trailer road worthy and i will transport for price given thanks graham - supermarine (11-09-2024)
Response: Hi Graham - apologies, i should have said it is a piggyback service i need as not sure of trailer. I have updated job now
Question: That's all good I'll see if I can put a quote together.
Kind regards Hugh - northerndancer (12-09-2024)
Response: Hi Hugh. Did you want to quote for this, just looking to finalise. Thank you. Regards
Question: Hiya Grant. I don't have a trailer available for at least 7 weeks to be able to transport this for you. That's why I was looking to tow it. Sorry and thank you for the opportunity. Good luck.
Kind regards Hugh
- northerndancer (17-09-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: Friday collection is fine - a1towing (18-09-2024)
Response: No response yet