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Listing summary

1 x Car / SUV: Mercedes SLK

Job ref: 1226473 Date listed: 11-09-2024
Bids: 15 (0 active) Lowest bid: £374.00


Collect from:

Maidenhead Windsor and Maidenhead SL6 8PN United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Cheriton Bishop Devon EX6 6JH United Kingdom


Approx. 183 miles


ASAP (1-3 days)


ASAP (1-3 days)

Listing description

Body type: Convertible
Make: Mercedes
Model: SLK
Operational: Yes
Additional information
Service type: Transported (i.e. not driven)
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
stjamestransport (3) £374.00 11-09-2024 Accepted
autotrnsitlimited (0) £374.00 11-09-2024 Declined
autotrnsitlimited (0) £380.00 11-09-2024 Replaced
recovsam (145) £385.00 11-09-2024 Declined
stjamestransport (3) £386.00 11-09-2024 Replaced
autotrnsitlimited (0) £392.00 11-09-2024 Replaced
stjamestransport (3) £404.00 11-09-2024 Replaced
autotrnsitlimited (0) £410.00 11-09-2024 Replaced
stjamestransport (3) £435.00 11-09-2024 Replaced
autotrnsitlimited (0) £449.00 11-09-2024 Replaced
stjamestransport (3) £459.00 11-09-2024 Replaced
autotrnsitlimited (0) £471.00 11-09-2024 Replaced
stjamestransport (3) £483.00 11-09-2024 Replaced
autotrnsitlimited (0) £496.00 11-09-2024 Replaced
milly7475 (85) £940.00 11-09-2024 Declined
Show closed bids


Question: Any particular days you would like this to be collected - autotrnsitlimited (11-09-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: We could move this for you later today or we have a transporter free from 11am tomorrow? - stjamestransport (11-09-2024)
Response: What sort of time would you be able to get it to Cheriton tomorrow?
Question: Do you have a time in mind? - stjamestransport (11-09-2024)
Response: Ideally between 4 & 5pm
Question: What time best suits you - stjamestransport (11-09-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: Let me check the schedules for tge various trailers and come back to you - stjamestransport (11-09-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: I think we are looking at a pick up time of approximately 1030am and then it is approximately 3.5 hours to the destination. So i would say latest we could drop off is approximately 1400 hrs. - stjamestransport (11-09-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: I would need to confirm your booking in the next hour to ensure we get you all booked in and scheduled. - stjamestransport (11-09-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: Can you let me know either way if you woukd like us to transport tomorrow. Much appreciated. - stjamestransport (11-09-2024)
Response: No response yet