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Listing summary

1 x Car / SUV: Ford Escort

Job ref: 1219289 Date listed: 02-07-2024
Bids: 31 (0 active) Lowest bid: £483.00


Collect from:

Newcastle Upon Tyne Tyne And Wear NE49ye United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Ullapool Highland IV United Kingdom


Approx. 319 miles


ASAP (1-3 days)


ASAP (1-3 days)

Listing description

Body type: Hatchback
Make: Ford
Model: Escort
Operational: Yes
Additional information
Service type: Transported (i.e. not driven)
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
uk.logistics.cam (57) £469.00 07-07-2024 Lapsed
relyonme8 (637) £470.00 07-07-2024 Lapsed
uk.logistics.cam (57) £482.00 07-07-2024 Replaced
a1towing (431) £483.00 07-07-2024 Lapsed
supermarine (29) £483.00 10-07-2024 Accepted
a1towing (431) £483.00 11-07-2024 Declined
uk.logistics.cam (57) £489.00 05-07-2024 Replaced
relyonme8 (637) £490.00 05-07-2024 Replaced
relyonme8 (637) £494.00 05-07-2024 Replaced
uk.logistics.cam (57) £495.00 05-07-2024 Replaced
a1towing (431) £496.00 05-07-2024 Replaced
a1towing (431) £496.00 08-07-2024 Lapsed
deanda (3) £496.00 08-07-2024 Lapsed
supermarine (29) £496.00 10-07-2024 Replaced
deanda (3) £496.00 10-07-2024 Declined
uk.logistics.cam (57) £518.00 05-07-2024 Replaced
a1towing (431) £519.00 05-07-2024 Replaced
deanda (3) £519.00 08-07-2024 Replaced
deanda (3) £530.00 09-07-2024 Replaced
a1towing (431) £531.00 09-07-2024 Replaced
deanda (3) £543.00 07-07-2024 Lapsed
uk.logistics.cam (57) £554.00 05-07-2024 Replaced
a1towing (431) £554.00 08-07-2024 Replaced
deanda (3) £554.00 09-07-2024 Replaced
a1towing (431) £583.00 05-07-2024 Replaced
deanda (3) £589.00 05-07-2024 Replaced
relyonme8 (637) £670.00 03-07-2024 Lapsed
a1towing (431) £671.00 03-07-2024 Lapsed
relyonme8 (637) £689.00 03-07-2024 Replaced
a1towing (431) £765.00 03-07-2024 Replaced
a1towing (431) £846.00 02-07-2024 Replaced
Show closed bids


Question: I’m just wandering why this keeps getting changed - a1towing (09-07-2024)
Response: It gets changed due to cars not being what they say they are I have a car now I will be in touch
Question: I can get this Thursday up Friday Job would need to be booked and accepted no later than lunch time tomorrow ( Wednesday ) - deanda (09-07-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: book by 10am thursday the 11th july thanks graham - supermarine (10-07-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: im am based in newcastle - supermarine (10-07-2024)
Response: Hi there when can you pick up the car and drop it off thanks
Question: Tuesday next week - a1towing (11-07-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: If you want it doing you only need accept my quote - a1towing (11-07-2024)
Response: No response yet