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Listing summary

2 x Car / SUV: Vauxhall Corsa, Suzuki Swift

Job ref: 1204510 Date listed: 31-01-2024
Bids: 6 (0 active) Lowest bid: £227.00


Collect from:

Newcastle Upon Tyne Tyne And Wear NE129sq United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Leicester City Of Leicester LE5 4DA United Kingdom


Approx. 184 miles


Economy (7-10 days)


Economy (7-10 days)

Listing description

Car / SUV 1
Body type: Hatchback
Make: Vauxhall
Model: Corsa
Operational: Yes
Car / SUV 2
Body type: Hatchback
Make: Suzuki
Model: Swift
Operational: Yes
Additional information
Service type: Transported (i.e. not driven)
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
cartransporter77 (25) £227.00 31-01-2024 Accepted
cichyrecovery (6) £471.00 31-01-2024 Withdrawn
a1towing (411) £496.00 31-01-2024 Declined
keepingitmoving (4) £496.00 31-01-2024 Declined
keepingitmoving (4) £554.00 31-01-2024 Replaced
a1towing (411) £613.00 31-01-2024 Replaced
Show closed bids


Question: Hi

Can one of these be done this Friday 2nd?

Thanks - cartransporter77 (31-01-2024)
Response: How much did you quote me. One of these can be driven
Question: I can only transport one on Friday. I'll place a quote to transport 1. Thank you. - cartransporter77 (31-01-2024)
Response: Can you message ur number please
Question: I'm not allowed until a quote is accepted I'm afraid, site rules. - cartransporter77 (31-01-2024)
Response: How do we accept the quote
Question: I'M not allowed to share contact details until a quote is accepted. Sorry, site rules. - cartransporter77 (31-01-2024)
Response: Is that for definitely Friday. What time
Question: Yes definitely collect/delivery this Friday 2nd. Collection as early as possible with direct delivery.

Regards, Paul. - cartransporter77 (31-01-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: There should be somewhere to click on accept quote. Thanks - cartransporter77 (31-01-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: Would you like to proceed? Thank you. - cartransporter77 (31-01-2024)
Response: Iv done it and il send u what’s app details mate. If you can get back to me as I’m flying out and the cars going to the garage