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Listing summary

Laser 13

Job ref: 1201654 Date listed: 05-01-2024
Bids: 9 (0 active) Lowest bid: £361.00


Collect from:

Uckfield East Sussex BA22 8FN United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Cargreen Cornwall PL12 6PB United Kingdom


Approx. 251 miles


Economy (7-10 days)


Economy (7-10 days)

Listing description

Boat type: Dinghy
Dimensions: 4.20 x 1.78 x 1.00 m
Is it on a trailer? Yes
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
a1towing (419) £361.00 05-01-2024 Accepted
hutchinson15 (356) £372.00 05-01-2024 Declined
a1towing (419) £398.00 05-01-2024 Replaced
a1towing (419) £434.00 05-01-2024 Replaced
hutchinson15 (356) £435.00 05-01-2024 Replaced
a1towing (419) £470.00 05-01-2024 Replaced
hutchinson15 (356) £471.00 05-01-2024 Replaced
hutchinson15 (356) £493.00 05-01-2024 Declined
a1towing (419) £496.00 05-01-2024 Replaced
Show closed bids


Question: Hi is this on a roadworthy trailer and not a launching trailer - a1towing (05-01-2024)
Response: Hi there, I am told by the seller it is a roadworthy trailer. The boat has a combi launching and road trailer. I haven't inspected it. I can't get there myself until 19th. So, if you're able to provide a quote based on it being on a roadworthy Road trailer and I'll get more info to confirm before the job. I'd like the boat transported to suit you from 19th onwards but no later than 26th, if that's possible. Is that you, Ian? Did you move my VW van in 2020 from Limington in Somerset to Wales?
Question: When you looking at having this done - a1towing (05-01-2024)
Response: From 19th onwards.... by 26th if poss
Question: Ok that’s fine I have provided a quote and no I’m not the person that moved your van - a1towing (05-01-2024)
Response: Hi, ah yes, I saw that, thank you.
I'll give it some thought.
I have just learned that the collection address is not Uckfield but Ardingly Activity Centre, Ardingly Reservoir, RH17 6SQ. 253 miles to Cargreen. Less than previously expected. Are you able to lower your price?
I will resubmit my request for quotes based on the accurate address now being provided.