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Listing summary

1 x Car / SUV: Jeep Wrangler

Job ref: 1199708 Date listed: 12-12-2023
Bids: 12 (0 active) Lowest bid: £361.00


Collect from:

Peterhead Aberdeenshire AB42 3FW United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Sheffield South Yorkshire S80nl United Kingdom


Approx. 422 miles


ASAP (1-3 days)


ASAP (1-3 days)

Listing description

Body type: 4x4
Make: Jeep
Model: Wrangler
Operational: Yes
Additional information
Service type: No preference


View Pictures

Bid Amount Submitted Expires
lincedtrans03 (21) £0.00 13-12-2023 Withdrawn
supermarine (27) £361.00 13-12-2023 Declined
supermarine (27) £368.00 12-12-2023 Replaced
lincedtrans03 (21) £370.00 13-12-2023 Accepted
quicktimedeliveries (0) £374.00 12-12-2023 Declined
supermarine (27) £398.00 12-12-2023 Replaced
quicktimedeliveries (0) £435.00 12-12-2023 Replaced
supermarine (27) £496.00 12-12-2023 Replaced
emmamvm (90) £550.00 12-12-2023 Declined
supermarine (27) £554.00 12-12-2023 Replaced
patch_evans (477) £554.00 12-12-2023 Declined
patch_evans (477) £613.00 12-12-2023 Replaced
Show closed bids


Question: I can pick up tomorrow afternoon and drop off Thursday morning if you book soon - patch_evans (12-12-2023)
Response: No response yet
Question: my offer price is for pik up only 14th december deliver 15th only book by 10;pm tonight or 10am in the morning - supermarine (12-12-2023)
Response: No response yet
Question: next pik up date in peterhead sunday the 17th december again book quickly if you want this job covered thanks graham - supermarine (13-12-2023)
Response: Is this 17th collection date is free?
