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Listing summary

1 x Car / SUV: Peugeot 3008

Job ref: 1181521 Date listed: 20-06-2023
Bids: 16 (0 active) Lowest bid: £176.00


Collect from:

Sandtoft Doncaster DN9 1PN United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Bedford Bedfordshire MK40 2LJ United Kingdom


Approx. 133 miles


ASAP (1-3 days)


Economy (7-10 days)

Listing description

Body type: Hatchback
Make: Peugeot
Model: 3008
Operational: Yes
Additional information
Service type: Transported (i.e. not driven)
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
a1towing (431) £176.00 20-06-2023 Accepted
philtransports (22) £176.00 20-06-2023 Declined
philtransports (22) £188.00 20-06-2023 Replaced
a1towing (431) £189.00 20-06-2023 Replaced
philtransports (22) £202.00 20-06-2023 Replaced
a1towing (431) £214.00 20-06-2023 Replaced
philtransports (22) £227.00 20-06-2023 Replaced
philtransports (22) £238.00 20-06-2023 Replaced
a1towing (431) £239.00 20-06-2023 Replaced
philtransports (22) £249.00 20-06-2023 Replaced
a1towing (431) £250.00 20-06-2023 Replaced
philtransports (22) £252.00 20-06-2023 Replaced
a1towing (431) £300.00 20-06-2023 Replaced
tccamion10 (72) £313.00 20-06-2023 Declined
a1towing (431) £337.00 20-06-2023 Replaced
tccamion10 (72) £343.00 20-06-2023 Replaced
Show closed bids


Question: Hi when do you want this job doing please thanks tony - tccamion10 (20-06-2023)
Response: On or before Friday 23, June
Question: Hi is tomorrow any good thanks tony - tccamion10 (20-06-2023)
Response: Tomorrow is perfect, but I can't afford above £150. If there is a way to make it work I am open to it