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Listing summary

Bailey Valencia caravan

Job ref: 1166728 Date listed: 24-02-2023
Bids: 12 (0 active) Lowest bid: £397.00


Collect from:

Shard End Birmingham B34 6RY United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Perth Perth and Kinross PH1 3AA United Kingdom


Approx. 339 miles


Economy (7-10 days)


Economy (7-10 days)

Listing description

Dimensions: 7.32 x 2.44 x 2.74 m
Is it on a trailer? Yes
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
a1towing (440) £397.00 24-02-2023 Accepted
eurotex (267) £398.00 24-02-2023 Declined
westparkian (184) £399.00 24-02-2023 Declined
a1towing (440) £494.00 24-02-2023 Replaced
rafalg (0) £494.00 24-02-2023 Declined
rafalg (0) £518.00 24-02-2023 Replaced
a1towing (440) £519.00 24-02-2023 Replaced
rafalg (0) £543.00 24-02-2023 Replaced
a1towing (440) £554.00 24-02-2023 Replaced
hutchinson15 (356) £613.00 24-02-2023 Declined
leislogis (25) £613.00 24-02-2023 Declined
leislogis (25) £614.00 24-02-2023 Replaced
Show closed bids


Question: Hi, happy to help you with this caravan transfer at your convenience, please let me have your preferred dates to move and I’ll reserve a date in my diary for you. I have quoted you for this transfer on the basis that this is a touring caravan that is ready to be safely towed on public roads. Regards Sean (caravan specialist) - leislogis (24-02-2023)
Response: No response yet
Question: Hi 25 years experience with caravan movements how old is your caravan when you looking at having this done - a1towing (24-02-2023)
Response: No response yet