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Listing summary

1 x Car / SUV: Mercedes C180

Job ref: 1122706 Date listed: 03-04-2022
Bids: 5 (0 active) Lowest bid: £260.00


Collect from:

Windsor Berkshire SL4 1EA United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Chorley Lancashire PR7 6PF United Kingdom


Approx. 207 miles


Fixed date


Fixed date

Listing description

Body type: Saloon
Make: Mercedes
Model: C180
Operational: Yes
Additional information
Service type: No preference
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
bren123 (206) £260.00 04-04-2022 Accepted
bren123 (206) £288.00 04-04-2022 Replaced
theno1vehicletransporter (49) £294.00 04-04-2022 Declined
roger_apm2021 (159) £300.00 03-04-2022 Declined
roger_apm2021 (159) £335.00 03-04-2022 Replaced
Show closed bids


Question: Hi I can collect around lunchtime and deliver early evening.
Many thanks
Roger - roger_apm2021 (03-04-2022)
Response: Thanks I'll keep you in mind. its over £100 more then what the guy who let me down so finding that extra is a little hard. Cheers
Question: Hi What preferred date would you like this vehicle transported? Many thanks
- theno1vehicletransporter (03-04-2022)
Response: Asap
Question: What year c class is it for weight purposes - theno1vehicletransporter (04-04-2022)
Response: 1994
Question: Hi can this be done tomorrow thanks - bren123 (04-04-2022)
Response: It can be but I'm looking for more around the £250 mark. It's all been paid for. Etc...
Question: Hi mate my bid is 230 the other 58 is site fees for listing the job on this site. Thanks Bren - bren123 (04-04-2022)
Response: No response yet
Question: Hi mate my bid is 230 the other 58 is site fees for listing the job on this site. I can drop my price to 1pound a mile 207 But it’s will come to a little over 250 with the site fees thanks bren - bren123 (04-04-2022)
Response: No response yet