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Listing summary

1 x Car / SUV: volkswagen scirocco

Job ref: 1115842 Date listed: 04-03-2022
Bids: 4 (0 active) Lowest bid: £489.00


Collect from:

Denny Falkirk FK6 United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Felixstowe Suffolk IP11 9ED United Kingdom


Approx. 428 miles


Economy (7-10 days)


Economy (7-10 days)

Listing description

Body type: Hatchback
Make: volkswagen
Model: scirocco
Operational: No
Additional information
Service type: Transported (i.e. not driven)
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
gremovals (298) £496.00 04-03-2022 Accepted
arran77 (6) £607.00 04-03-2022 Declined
gremovals (298) £613.00 04-03-2022 Replaced
arran77 (6) £636.00 04-03-2022 Replaced
Show closed bids


Question: Can this be done Sunday mate by any chance - gremovals (04-03-2022)
Response: Possibly.

Does it make a difference to the delivery cost?
Question: Not really mate it’s long drive - gremovals (04-03-2022)
Response: No response yet
Question: Can it be done my bid is 500 the rest is site fee - gremovals (04-03-2022)
Response: No response yet
Question: Hi mate if I can get it Sunday do it for £400 let me know ASAP coz I have one space left - gremovals (04-03-2022)
Response: Hi. Sounds good. How does it all work?

Never had a car collected for me before?
Have just spoken to the person with the car and Sunday works.
Have just spoken to the person with the car and Sunday works.
Question: Accept my new bid then I drop off then you pay the rest on delivery - gremovals (04-03-2022)
Response: I don’t seem to have the bid for £400?
Question: £400 to me to do the job and the rest is site fee mate nothing to do with me mate - gremovals (04-03-2022)
Response: Ahh I understand now. Ok will accept it.
All put through. Any other details you need to know please let me know. Also what time will you be collecting so I can let the person know?

All put through. Any other details you need to know please let me know. Also what time will you be collecting so I can let the person know?

Question: About 11:30 to 12 - gremovals (04-03-2022)
Response: No response yet