What Makes A Good Delivery Driver?

Delivery DriverWhile there’s plenty of delivery drivers out there, how many can say they’re a good delivery driver? A successful delivery business requires the best of its drivers, and a great delivery driver offers more than just a simple delivery.

Our tips for being a great delivery driver are deceptively simple. Customer service rates need to be high, and for a company to be successful it should be considered a priority. Friendly, polite service can make a huge difference to a customer’s perception of a company, even help convince them to pay slightly higher prices for what is perceived to be a better service. Delivery drivers, as the face of a business, can go a long way towards helping sell great customer service.

Prompt delivery is always a priority, but sometimes traffic or weather can scupper even the best laid plans. Contacting customers with delivery time estimates is a great idea, but so is notifying them of any significant delays you run in to en route to their address.

Driving safely, regardless of weather or delays, is obviously a priority for drivers. Remaining safe can mean more than just driving, don’t take unnecessary risks if in areas you feel uncomfortable and alert your base of operations if you notice anything out of the ordinary so they can keep tabs on you.

Make sure your vehicle is well maintained, not only will it prevent any potential breakdowns or accidents, it will reassure customers that your business is successful and responsible.

Keep your vehicle clean and organised, it will help speed up deliveries and get you through the day with a minimum of frustrated searching for paperwork or deliveries you need. Pack your van in order of delivery, keep your return journey deliveries separate from your outgoing deliveries.

If you’re in need of more deliveries to make your delivery routes more cost effective, log on to Delivery Quote Compare for free to start bidding on deliveries in your local area.

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