In the competitive market that is courier work, you need to use every advantage you can get. There is only so much work around and you need to make sure that you are one of those getting a major part of it. We have put together some tips for getting courier work.
Getting Courier Work
- Firstly a good reputation will help you find work. Word of mouth from a satisfied customer is worth gold dust to the courier. Simply getting your deliveries to places on time, charging a fair amount, and keeping up good communications with your customers means that they will use you again and tell others.
- Today people also spread the word on the internet. This can be read by hundreds of people through the medium of Facebook, Twitter. Linkedin or other social networking sites. If you are not already a subscriber, join as many of these sites as you can and use your business name as your account so that potential customers can become familiar with it. Also practise using these sites. You will need to post regularly on them to get your business name known, which may seem like a chore at first but you will soon find that updating your status and commenting on others soon becomes second nature. You can even do this from your mobile phone ( though not while driving, obviously)
- To get work you may need to advertise. Consider advertising in your local newspaper. Local rates are generally lower than national rates. Also have a supply of business cards with your name and contact number on it. Leave these at local businesses and hand them out wherever you go. It is surprising where contacts can come from if you get your name out there.
- Make sure your van has your name and contact details clearly written on the side. When you are delivering, this will get noticed. Also make sure that these details are up to date as it is pointless having an out of date mobile number. People trying to ring it will get frustrated and you will lose business.
- Set up your website as many people look on the internet to find their courier. Even a small website consisting of a single page can be effective in alerting people to your business. As your business expands, you can expand your website. There are packages on the market which will help you set one up step by step, but for a more complex site, unless you are an expert, you will need some professional advice.
- Register with an online courier marketplace which has the facilities to provide access to hundreds of jobs. Choose a company which doesn’t charge an upfront fee and has a good reputation, such as DeliveryQuoteCompare– other couriers can give you feedback on this so read any reviews available online. Companies like this can provide you with a variety of jobs which you can quote for. If your rates are competitive and your service is good you will find plenty of work available.
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