Tips for Moving Home

imagesWhile summer appears to still be undecided on whether it’s truly here or not, your moving date is probably set and the weather won’t change that. Moving home is one of the most stressful things you can do, but with some forethought and planning you can help make your move… well, not quite stress-free but a little more streamlined at least.

Remember: planning is key and lists are your friends. Take the time to sit down and figure out what you need to do, when and how much you have to spend to get it done, it’ll save your bacon. Start sourcing quotes for removal companies in your local area as soon as you know you’re going to be moving. Delivery Quote Compare can help you find low cost, customer rated removal companies that should be able to meet any budget. Removals offer a variety of different packages from simply transporting boxes to a full pack and unpack service – it’s up to you and your budget what you choose.

Make a list of all the companies and people you need to notify of your change of address. Utilities are always top of the list but don’t forget your doctor’s surgery, the dentist and the telly licensing people. Take a moment to go through your bills, your address book, and the dark recesses of your memory to write down just who needs to know your new address, and don’t forget the postman.

It’s never too early to start packing. Go through every room and start packing things you don’t use. Be careful not to overfill boxes, remember that someone has to be able to carry them, and the boxes are only as strong as their bottoms! Pack heavy items, such as books, in with lighter items such as clothes or linen, to make the most out of each box. Label each one carefully, and keep boxes for each room together to make it easier when you get to your new home.

Remember to call and confirm the date and time with your removal company a couple of days before the big day, if only to reassure yourself that someone is coming to help you. Pack a bag or box with tea, coffee, sugar, milk, biscuits, kettle and cups so that you don’t have to scramble through all your boxes in order to have a well deserved cuppa. And, above all else, try to get a good night’s sleep the night before your move, you’re going to need it!

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