Ten tips to get the best from delivery auction sites – part 1

Looking around the internet, on social networking sites and forums there are a lot of couriers, hauliers and other transport companies that aren’t seeing the full benefits of transport comparison websites. Our experience shows that there are number of things you can do to give yourself a much better chance of gaining, regular, quality business from them.

1.       Username

Always choose a sensible username. Whilst silly ones are funny, they are not appropriate and they certainly don’t convey trust and professionalism to your potential customers.

2.       Profile

Ensure your profile is complete and up-to-date.  In most cases this is the only source of information for your potential customers, ensure all the relevant information is accessible and that it reflects your company positively. This is your chance to ‘sell’ yourself to the customers and a detailed profile is far more likely to do that than an empty one!

3.       Speed

Understandably this is not always easy, but if you can try to submit bids as quickly as possible.  Customers generally want a bid now, not later. When they submit a request they are motivated, if they don’t get any bids until 3 days later they may have already written it off and found alternative transport.

4.       Additional information

Always make use of the ‘additional information’ box when submitting a quote.  Answer questions the customer is likely to ask, such as when you can do the job, this will give them peace of mind, but also speed up the process as they won’t need to contact you with a list of questions.

5.       Respond

Always respond to messages and queries you receive. Its sounds simple but you’d be surprised how many companies don’t!

Here at deliveryquotecompare.com we often see customers not accepting the lowest price bid, many would rather use a company they can get lots of information about and therefore trust.

Click here for part 2 of the blog…

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