Relocating for a new job


Relocating for a new job encounters some of the most stressful events rolled into one according to the Holmes and Rahe stress scale.

It includes business readjustment, a change in responsibilities and moving and arranging mortagages.

Here a few things to consider and hopefully reduce some of the stress.

Do you need to move

Will changing your (and possibly your whole families) location really be a benefit. Is the pay rise big enough to justify it, does it meet you career objectives? Don’t move for flattery make sure it’s the right move and the right company.

Its all about the money….

If you’re being asked to move or head hunted for a role, ask about how much assistance you’ll get, it’s a legitimate expense that you may be entitled to. Don’t be embarrsed theres a reason why they want you somewhere else.

Have an escape plan

Weigh up the possibilities of moving part time at first, maybe renting a place near you new workplace for a few months (money allowing). Three months should be enough time to establish if its right for you, but remember your probably won’t feel at home just yet.

Ask questions

After getting an offer ask to speak to other employees, especially if others have moved there. You can often get a great insight into what its like but also pick up any tips and highs and lows of their move.

Talk to family and friends

Depnding on how far you’re going you might be a lot further away from from your support base. Ask how others feel, especially partners and kids.

Ask for help with the move

A new employer should allow time for you to move and ideally pay you during this time. You might not be able to afford a week with no pay whilst moving. They should be able to help with some practical assistance like arranging movers and your transport, hopefully savings themselves 75% through

However it turns out often a career relocation can be a great leap in you career and even provide a fresh start. For your next job us an intelligent job-matching website and app that can give you access to hundreds of thousands of new opportunities that match you.

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