Delivery Quote Compare Blog

Air Freight Statistics


Air Freight is one of the quickest ways to get an item delivered across international borders. With fast turnaround, priority services and door-to-door delivery available it can take less time than you might think to get an item from the UK to its foreign destination. In fact, you may be surprised to learn that 2.3 […]

What Type Of Vehicle Transport Do I Need?


Vehicle transportation is a great way to get your vehicle delivered from A to B when you can’t (or just don’t want to) drive it yourself. There may be any number of reasons why your car needs to be transported or your van delivered, and there are a number of different ways you can get […]

Solutions For All Kinds Of Valentines Gift Deliveries


On the off chance that you’ve managed to miss the build up to February’s biggest holiday (clue: it’s not pancake day) then not only are we here to remind you, but also give you some tips on how to deliver the perfect Valentine’s Day gift without any incidents. Valentine’s Day has some unusual roots; firstly […]

Protecting A Vehicle Being Transported


Should you have a vehicle that requires transportation, ensuring it’s well protected whilst en route could mean the difference between a pristine vehicle or something scratched and dented. When transporting a vehicle, whether it’s roadworthy or not, insurance is usually taken care of by the vehicle transportation service you’ve chosen. Not only should it protect […]

How To Track Air Cargo


Tracking your air cargo couldn’t be easier. Just because your item is being shipped internationally, and via a plane, doesn’t mean that a tracking service isn’t available. Air freight can work just like couriering an item to a delivery address, just via a plane. Air freight companies may automatically include tracking capabilities within their quote, […]

Using a Courier for eBay collections Tips


We’ve all done it; you’re rummaging around eBay to waste some time during a particularly slow moment of your day when suddenly there it is, the perfect item that’ll make your life complete! And then you take a closer look and realise it’s being sold from somewhere 200 miles away and is collection only. Today […]

The Cheapest Way Of Sending Items Via Courier


Did you know there’s absolutely no need to pay full price for a courier? While Delivery Quote Compare can help you find low prices, there is a way to get even lower prices quoted and it’s surprisingly easy. If your item isn’t urgently required then consider sending it via back or return loads, especially if […]

Finding A Trustworthy Man and Van


Sometimes, all you need is a man with a van. Moving apartment? Man with a van! Moving some furniture? Man with a van! But finding a man with a van that’ll get all your stuff from A to B without breakages or, worse case scenario, stealing it can be a little harder to guarantee. So […]

Ensure you can see through the snow


With more snow scheduled for later today and due to affect most for the UK, there are certain do’s and don’ts when driving in the snow. The first and most logical is don’t drive in thick snow unless it’s absolutely essential. The second would be to ensure that you clear your car before driving off. […]

Cheap Couriers


Sending something via courier needn’t cost a fortune, but it certainly does pay to do your research before accepting the cheapest courier quote on the table. If your item is fragile or valuable then spending that little bit extra time to choose a courier with proven customer service can mean the difference between a broken […]