Delivery Quote Compare Blog

shipping a fireplace

Tips For Shipping A Fireplace


Home renovation isn’t to be taken lightly, and finding the right pieces to match your vision can take time, a little ingenuity and some thinking outside the box. As is often the case, the perfect item is found a couple of hundred miles away from your home, but that needn’t stop you from placing your […]

Post Office Price Increases

Post Office Price Increases


Amid fears that Royal Mail will soon be privatised, potentially triggering further price rises, the recent increase in postal costs could already be causing headaches for small business owners. Save Our Royal Mail campaigners warn that by 2015 the cost of a first class stamp could be as high as £1 if the organisation is […]

The Most Dreaded Questions ‘We’re Moving, Can You Help?’


With favours amongst friends and family being such a common law of practice, it was only a matter of time before research was carried out in to the top five favour requests dreaded the most amongst friends. The most popular question asked, straight in at number one is being asked to keep a naughty secret. […]

Strange Deliveries

Strangest Deliveries


It’s probably not something that’s ever crossed your mind, unless you’re one of the perpetually curious, but the next time you arrange for a parcel to be delivered, spare a moment to wonder at those who’ve had to deliver the not just strange and bizarre, but also potentially dangerous, or to the strangest of places. […]

post office strikes

Post Office Strikes


Further strikes by Post Office workers are planned for Friday after talks failed between Post Office management and the Communication Workers Union. Services were previously disrupted over the Easter holidays in protest against the planned closure or franchisement of 76 Crown branches and a pay freeze since April 2011. The Post Office currently run around […]


The Impact Of Smartphones


Smartphones have revolutionised our lifestyle. According to CISCO, by the end of this year there will be more mobile devices on Earth than people, and approximately 33.3 million smartphones have been sold in the UK alone since April 2005. Smartphone usage has risen dramatically, the ability to tailor the content available to each individual via […]

The Internet

Top Tips For Moving Home Cheaply


The impact the internet has had on our society can be a little overwhelming sometimes. The rise of internet shopping, in particular, has led to a sharp increase in demand of logistics units – after all, all those products people are buying need to be kept somewhere. And with online sales expected to double in […]

small business

Small Businesses


Things are looking up for small businesses, despite the economy remaining at a low. The Guardian recently reported that credit is still available from banks, despite the Federation of Small Businesses insisting there is none available. Lenders are arguing that demand is low; money is available if small businesses want to apply for it. Simple […]

road safety

Road Awareness


It can be a tough livelihood working as in the delivery market, sharing the road with new, old, good and bad drivers can certainly make the day interesting. But, there’s probably some facts you’re not aware of that perhaps you should be …. Did you know, as of February this year the police are able […]

Container Homes

YMCA Recycling Containers To Make Homes


While most of us are used to seeing containers as methods of freight transportation, usually on the back of lorries or on ships, there’s a growing movement of alternative uses for shipping containers. For the ultimate in travel, mobile shipping container hotels allow you to fall asleep in one location and wake in another. Entire […]