Office moves, simple tips for the big move

Your business is growing well, the work is flying in and you’re expanding. However the space you’re in isn’t good enough anymore. You need more office space or maybe you need to move closer to potential partners/customers.  Moving is required but moving an office is more involved than moving house. These simple tips are important to making sure you’ll have the minimum amount of downtime possible.


Plan as early as possible and as long as needed:

Planning notesAs always, planning is the most important step in making your journey easy. Has soon as you have an idea of where you want to move into immediately start planning on how you’re going to get your stuff over. In your planning, show some focus on each of these areas:



  • What the most important objects are. You’ll want to start working as quickly as possible when you get there. So computers, files, phones should be ordered in such a way that allows them to be unloaded first and set up quickly.
  • Choose the day. Some office buildings only allow access on non-working days (like weekends) for  moves to reduce impact on other tennants. Make sure with the building owners that the doors will be unlocked, or that someone will be there. Also you may need to book service lifts in advance and make sure the A/C is operational on the day, its hot work.Ready to move
  • Let your Employees know what is happening as early as possible. This allows them to know to prepare themselves for the move. Advising them to take their personal items themselves will also save on packing. Make sure to keep them in the loop with announcements and emails. Otherwise an element of panic can come into the move.
  • Take a full inventory. Making a list or spreadsheet of everything in your office before the move allows you peace of mind. Use it when you’re having the equipment to make surer nothing is left behind and when you’re unloading to make sure nothing is lost. As well as one final use after everything is in place just to be sure.

Get a Delivery Quote Compare transporter:

Of course a transporter will be necessary to move all your stuff. Delivery Quote Compare has transporters that will offer quotes on office and commercial removals. Using our form you can save up to 75% on your quote and not lose out on quality.Transporter ready for the office move

They will offer the transportation and certain ones offer packing services to guarantee a safe journey. List the number of items and the floor plan of where they need to place it in the building. You should also ask for proof of their insurance, either in email or fax. All of our transporters are fully insured and office buildings require that physical proof.


The final piece of advice we can give is keep everyone in the loop. If everyone is on the same page than the downtime between offices will be as minimised as possible. This also avoids any potential disasters, a bad move can put you back a long way. Follow these basic tips and your business will continue to do grand.

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