How do I ship….

Traffic Jam

The last part of our blogs on how do I is how do I ship. There are two main sections on Delivery Quote Compare for the shipping or moving of freight. One of the first the first things to consider is air or sea freight, most people are unsure. For this if you’re not sure call our help desk 0808-169-2000 and we can advise, alternatively you can list it in both categories. All of our quotes are no obligation so it doesn’t matter if you list it twice.


Freight forwarding is a specific category and take into account not only how do I ship it but also international rules, taxes and transport. Because of this we partner with several professional and experienced freight transport companies that will give you extra guidance and advice before committing to anything.

Road Haulage

How do I ship containers? This is the difference for what is classified as road haulage, instead of single items this relates to loads such as containers or multi pallets. The listing is easy and quotes for this category are normally clearly explained based on size and mileage.

Special Care item and pianos

Violin on wood

Surprisingly lots of pianos are moved through Delivery Quote Compare, it amazing how many are moved. We’ve written a few blogs on how do I ship or move a piano,

For special care items we list this category separately to ensure transporters understand the extra requirement for care and packaging. Although sometimes more expensive than moving a sofa for instance this is because often special care items may need more room or even individual transport.

For any advice on moving anything from anywhere either list directly on our home page or get in touch [email protected] or 0808-169-2000

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