Freecycle furniture for Xmas


So you want to Freecycle your furniture for Xmas, eh? Excellent idea! Now, it’s very likely that when you first start thinking about doing this there will be a little voice in the back of your head that says, “Wait a second … What if nobody wants my old couch?” Don’t worry; we’ve got some tips on getting started with Freecycling and avoiding disappointment.

Freecycle furniture for Xmas

Freecycle is a local, grassroots and entirely nonprofit movement of people who are giving (and getting) stuff for free in their own towns. It’s all about reusing and keeping good stuff out of landfills. Each local group is moderated by a volunteer who can offer tips on how to get the most out of your Freecycle experience.

Collection and Delivery included in Freecycling

Have you heard of Freecycling? It’s a great way to get rid of old furniture and other items, while also helping someone else out. Many people can use your old furniture – friends, families, and even charities. The best part is that it’s free! All you need to do is hire a van or pay for delivery – we’re happy to help with all aspects of the process see Delivery Quote Compare.

Is it worth Freecycling?

  • Freecycling is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint.
  • Freecycling is a great way to save money.
  • Freecycling is a great way to make new friends.
  • Freecycling is a great way to get rid of unwanted furniture

How to get started with Freecycling

Here’s how to get started with Freecycling:

  • Sign up for an account on the website. It takes only a few minutes, and you’ll be ready to post an ad!
  • Once you’ve set up your account, look around at what other people are posting. This will give you an idea of what’s available in your area and help inform your own post-writing strategy.
  • Be sure to include as much information about the furniture as possible: where it’s located (including a street address if possible), how old it is, and if there are any specific damages or other issues with it (like stains or scratches) that would affect its usability. If there are any specific details about how you want the piece(s) used (for example, “only pick up if moving into a condo”), make sure those are included too! You can also mention anything else that may come in handy for potential buyers such as whether or not delivery services will be provided by them when they pick up from your location — remember these aren’t necessarily “rules” so feel free to adjust things based on what works best for both parties involved πŸ˜‰

Once you decide to start Freecycling …

  • Find a Freecycler. There are many websites and Facebook groups dedicated to connecting people who have things to give away with those who need them, including
  • Ask your Freecycler if they have anything to offer you. If they don’t or can’t meet at the time you require, ask if they know of anyone else in the same situation as yourself who might be willing to help out.
  • Make sure that when you do finally meet with your potential donor that all parties agree on what is being given away (and what isn’t), how much it is worth and where it will be taken on collection day – this will avoid any confusion later on down the track!

How to find a Freecycle

There are a couple of ways you can find Freecyclers. The first is to look for an area on the website where you can post a message. In that area, you can ask if anyone has any items they would like to give away for free. If there are enough people using the service in your area, someone may respond with what they have and how you can get it! Another way is by searching through local groups listed on the Freecycle website. These groups will often have specific rules as well as meeting times so that everyone knows when and where they need to be available for pickup or drop-offs.


Hopefully, this article has been helpful in explaining how to get started with Freecycling. You can find out more about the concept at their website or by contacting them directly for more information on how you can get involved!

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