Fancy a pint whilst posting your parcel?

nutley arms

A pub in a small town in East Sussex is offering punters the chance to grab a pint whilst posting their mail, as The Nutley Arms, Nutley, becomes an outreach site for post office services.

The establishment near Uckfield will receive regular visits from the sub-postmistress of Ridgewood Post Office, Sue Gothard, during the week in order to help customers.

Ms Gothard has also offered to run the Hurstwood Post Office from its current location at High Hurstwood Village Hall, after it became apparent it was due to close following the resignation of the postmaster.

Julia Marwood, Post Office regional network manager for the south, said: “We understand how important having a post office is to residents in rural communities and we are confident that these hosted outreach services will meet the needs of the local communities and secure services for the futureā€

It is hoped the Nutley Arms branch will be open on Tuesdays from 10am until noon, so perhaps punters may prefer to wait until a bit later in the day for their pint!

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