Ensure you can see through the snow

With more snow scheduled for later today and due to affect most for the UK, there are certain do’s and don’ts when driving in the snow. The first and most logical is don’t drive in thick snow unless it’s absolutely essential. The second would be to ensure that you clear your car before driving off. This is something that a driver in Wales forgot to do.

With snow covering the car, they hadn’t even bothered to wipe the windscreens or side windows, the mirrors were covered and all that they could see out of, was a small clearing on the windscreen. The clearing was the size of a letterbox and was seen to be driving between Newport and Cardiff, travelling around 70mph. Not only was travelling at this speed on an icy and snowy road dangerous, the fact that they couldn’t see was irresponsible by on-lookers.

Whilst initially finding it funny, most people then realised the dangerous behaviour from the driver in question and have since called for some action to be taken against them. They may be prosecuted for breaking the law driving with minimal and a limited view.

It can be difficult to clear your vehicle completely of snow and ice, however there are rules that stipulate what must be cleared. It is illegal for drivers to drive with poor visibility. This includes not clearing your windscreen of ice, mist and of course, snow. This can result in fines, points on your licence and potentially, court proceedings.

Motorists are advised to clear snow off the top of the vehicles, but as many lorry and van drivers know, it can be difficult to do this. We recommend a large broom or outdoor brush if you can reach. It is better to spend a little while longer prepping your car than receiving a fine. Ensure that you can see clearly through your windscreen and side windows. Don’t forget to clear the back windows if you have a larger cab / vehicle as you still need to check your blind spot.

Don’t get caught out in the snow this year. It’s bad enough having to drive in it, let alone putting yourself and others at risk due to negligence. Ensure you can see and where possible dust the roof of your car off or you may be faced with a £60 fine.

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