Timing your collections and deliveries

Transportation is, like many things, time sensitive. Say you’re a student moving out of halls, you can’t exactly hang about until you’re kicked out. Maybe you’re selling something, the buyer is going to want it sharpish. The importance of timing can’t be understated. It is in every step of using a transporter.

1 Putting an item up for biddingDQC jobs list

When you put something up onto the DQC website you can say when/where you need it taking. Flexibility in the when will give it a more enticing look to transporters. If you need it done on a certain day at a certain time transporters will have to check their calendars to see if their free to do the job. If you have a larger range of flexibility and can get it done later transporters can have more openings to do the job required.


2 Need timing details? Ask

Delivery Quote Compare offers a question box between transporters and customers. Customers can ask the transporter the specific timing they want to do the job before accepting their bid. The transporter can ask the buyer the same or for more specifics after the bidding went through. Allowing for a plan to form before the job has to be done.


3 Speaking of plans

An image metaphor of timingAs a transporter, the more jobs you can do, the more money you can make. However you can’t sacrifice quality on each job. Cancelling because you didn’t check your calendar and double booked also doesn’t look good and may make you miss out on future jobs from that customer. Don’t over promise either. If you put that you can make it at a certain time, make sure you do. This becomes inexcusable if you are in the local area to the customer and you still show up late.

Accepting a delivery

Timing so people can accept the delivery is key


Most of the transporters on DQC will offer same day transportation. This means that they’ll try to get it from collection to the destination within the same day. This saves on transporters having to hold onto items overnight. Because of this however make sure either you can either be both at the collection point and the destination or sort the timing out with a friend so they can receive the item from your transporter.


The importance of timing cannot be understated, following this article (And some common sense) proves it, even if you don’t realise it.


Christopher East 2018

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