Category Archives for Road Haulage

toll road

Road haulage operators start campaign to stop A14 road tolls


The Road Haulage Association (RHA) has stepped up its campaign opposing the proposed implementation of a toll road on the A14. The campaign hopes to highlight that a toll on the road would put them at a disadvantage to hauliers located in other areas of the country. Jack Semple, the RHA’s Director of Policy said, […]

Road Freight

Road freight industry encouraged to get benefit of trailer trial


This week, the Government released a statement encouraging those in the road freight industry to reap the benefits of trailer trial. The trial, which gives operators the opportunity to use longer goods vehicles on UK roads, will be opened up on a first come first serve basis. The trial was initially launched in 2012, and […]


Truck drivers putting themselves at risk by not using safety belts


A new study carried out by Volvo has found that half of truck drivers do not use their safety belts. The survey interviewed 700 truck drivers in Sweden – a country with a reputation for being more safety-conscious than most. In the EU alone, over 7000 lives would be saved every year if more road […]

Driving in winter weather

How to cope with winter driving


With another distinctly average summer behind us, before you know it, winter will knocking on our doors. Accompanying it will be rain, snow, sleet, and all manner of unpredictable weather conditions. With the aid of this guide, you will hopefully be well prepared for any circumstance. Pack supplies There’s no need to go overboard, but […]

New law for truck drivers


The new law, which was implemented in July this year, gives the police the right to stop anyone considered to be driving in an inconsiderate or careless manner and issue them with a fixed penalty notice (FPN). The Department for Transport (DfT) intend to increase safety on the roads with the new law – in […]

How are truck drivers viewed by the public?


A bit of Friday Fun. Truck drivers have had to put up with many stereotypes over the years, how many of those in the classic comedy video above are actually true? Even roadside cafes have to pass health and safety tests these days!

Considering Buying Or Selling A Car


When it comes to buying or selling new or used cars many people used to advertise in local papers, go to a dealers or even advertise on supermarket notification boards. But times have changed dramatically since the internet came in to play and most people now use this as a selling or buying tool. There […]

Top Tips For Staying Awake Whilst Driving Long Distance


When anybody is considering, or having to drive long distance it is very common to become tired, especially night time driving after a long day. Other then pulling over in a safe area and having a nap, what other alternatives are there to stay awake whilst driving? Take a look at the following top tips […]

Breakfast Alternatives For Truck Drivers


How many times have you been told that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day”? If the answer to this is plenty then the reason for this is that it’s true. By eating a healthy balanced breakfast it actually helps you to make healthier choices throughout the rest of the day. An ideal […]

Driver Medicals – The Facts


If you’re considering becoming a lorry driver then you will need to go through either a HGV medical or an LGV medical, which is the standard medical that’s required for most people that are looking to drive a lorry. Medicals aren’t just required for lorry drivers, they relate to anybody who has a group 2 […]