Look at Car transports – Tips

A modern classic?

A modern classic?

The 10 tips to help

So you’ve bought the motor of your dreams. How do you arrange car transport for the collection and delivery of you prized purchase?  How do you get it delivered to your front door?

You got it at the right price, in the right condition, a coupe? a convertible? Suitable for cruising down the Riviera or………. a decent runabout for shopping trips and runs to the tip.

But its parked at someone else’s house 400 miles away!

Luckily with access to thousands of quality transport providers Delivery Quote Compare can help you get competitive quotes that match your requirements to get your new motor to you.

Here are our top tips on how to get your shiny new run about moved safely and on time.

  1. How do I move this?  

Car transport has two very basic choices.  Can the car be driven from location to location or does it needs to be transported?

Car transport threeIt’s often cheaper to have it to be driven to you.  If it’s a non-runner or you’d prefer that no one else drives your cherished possession, then a car transporter is your best option.

If your car is being transported, then you need to take into account what type of transporter you require.  If you’ve just bought a vintage classic, we’d recommend it being covered during transport.  This has the added benefit of creating curiosity from nosey neighbours when your car is delivered.

Don’t forget to ask your transport provider any specific questions you have or special requests.   These can affect the cost and also assist in identifying the correct transport. You may think it’s a stupid question, or even goes without saying, but it’s better to clarify so everyone understands.

  1. Is the car transport supplier any good?

FeedbackThe last thing you want is for the keys to your new prized purchase to be given to a shadowy stranger with a looming fear that you’ll never see it again.

All providers at Delivery Quote Compare are vetted for eligibility and importantly, levels of insurance. On top of this check their feedback from previous deliveries and clients.  You can do this prior to contacting them or accepting quotes.

  1. Who, when, where?

Car transport - DateAgree collection and delivery dates and times with the car transport company.  Make sure there’s someone present at the collection and delivery points at the date and time agreed.  They will be required to handover the motor, keys, documents and anything else agreed during the sale.  Make sure it’s ready for collection!  The transporter driver won’t be too happy waiting for a garage to be cleared of old tyres and furniture to get the car out.

If the car is being delivered to a leafy lane in the middle of nowhere with poor mobile reception and doesn’t feature on most satellite navigation systems, give some clear, easy to follow directions. It’s amazing how many deliveries are delayed by people assuming that transport companies know the local area as well as you.

  1. Dents, bumps and holes

On transport day make sure someone walks around the vehicle with the transport provider.  You could ask the seller to do this for you.  Make notes of any blemishes, knocks, dents or scratches. Many used cars have the odd dinge but make sure it doesn’t arrive with any new ones.

Many car transport companies will have a check sheet to make any notes.  Alternatively, the Delivery Quote Compare check sheet can be accessed via the links below.  You can amend these to suit your vehicle.   We’ve added the most popular:

Car inspection report

SUV inspection Report

Van inspection report

Tank Inspection report

Most, if not all, car transport providers take a pride in the care in which they handle vehicles and are keen to do this check with customers so don’t be worried about asking for it.

Ask the person representing you at the time of collection to take photos as well.  A picture paints a thousand words.

  1. Access all areasCar transport - keys1

Make sure you instruct them to pick up the keys as well.  As simple as it sounds we’ve had car transport suppliers arrive at the end of a three hundred mile trip to find they can’t get in to take the handbrake off.

  1. Gas gas gas

Ask the seller to run down or empty the fuel to below a quarter full. This is purely for safety.  A truck full of fuel carrying a car full of fuel means lots of fuel in the event of an accident.

  1. Spanners, tissues and travel sweets

Ask the seller to check that everything that isn’t for transport is removed and to check the boot and the glove box for stray personal items.

Car transport - Trunk fullIf there are things to be left in the car for instance a first aid kit or toolbox, ask them to check they are secured and wont roll or rattle about potentially causing damage.

If there is anything in the car of value agreed with the sale, make a note on the vehicle inspection sheet and if possible ask the transport driver to make sure they are not in view.

  1. Tune in, tune out

Ask the transporter or the seller to lower the aerial, fold in the wing mirrors and make sure if there are any external features that can be removed they are taken off the vehicle and secured in the car.

  1. Don’t be alarmed Car transport - Mirrors

Get the seller to disable or turn off the alarm.  There’s nothing more annoying than transporting a car that’s flashing and screaming at you.  It’s also not great when it arrives at the destination with a flat battery.

Remember to ask them how to turn it back on as well.

  1. Feedback

Its arrived, in the same condition it left, on time and to the right place. Don’t forget to leave feedback for the car transport delivery company.

Not only does good feedback help the transporter get more business and still be trading the next time you feel the urge to purchase another new wagon, but it also helps the next customer when they choose their transport supplier.Stars

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One Comment

  1. harsha left a comment on 10/05/2017 at 4:52 pm | Permalink

    The information was really amazing and informative. Thanks a lot for posting it.

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