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Listing summary

Upright piano

Job ref: 1235221 Date listed: 05-02-2025
Bids: 1 (1 active) Lowest bid: £233.00


Collect from:

Twickenham Greater London TW United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Midhurst West Sussex GU United Kingdom


Approx. 49 miles


Economy (7-10 days)


Economy (7-10 days)

Listing description

People required: 2 People
Quantity: 1
Dimensions: 1.50 x 1.30 x 0.60 m
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
top_movers (133) £233.00 05-02-2025 05-03-2025


Question: hi

could you please upload or send a pic in message
what floor is collection and delivery
is there any steps at each address at the front door
what is the access ground at each property ie gravel/concrete/tarmac drive/grass
all this is important when moving a piano

Kind Regards - imu2021 (05-02-2025)
Response: Collection from basement (steps up). Delivery ground floor. Can park outside for both.
Question: hi

could you please send a pic of piano and steps please - imu2021 (05-02-2025)
Response: I have pics but there is nowhere here to upload pics.
Question: hi you should be able to go to your listing and edit or add pics not sure how to via message
- imu2021 (05-02-2025)
Response: Ive done it
Question: i think you have to go in to listing and edit or add pics there - imu2021 (05-02-2025)
Response: No response yet
Question: i cant see any pics will leave it 10 mins incase needs time for them to upload - imu2021 (05-02-2025)
Response: No response yet