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Listing summary

Cage sides for a ifor williams lm125 trailer

Job ref: 1230537 Date listed: 28-10-2024
Bids: 4 (0 active) Lowest bid: £107.00


Collect from:

Leyland Lancashire PR26 8LP United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Doncaster South Yorkshire DN3 3PW United Kingdom


Approx. 103 miles


Economy (7-10 days)


Economy (7-10 days)

Listing description

People required: 1 person (I can help)
Quantity: 6
Dimensions: 1.83 x 1.52 x 0.91 m
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
milly7475 (85) £107.00 29-10-2024 Declined
logisticsf (1) £114.00 28-10-2024 Declined
seang1967 (107) £126.00 30-10-2024 Accepted
seang1967 (107) £151.00 30-10-2024 Replaced
Show closed bids


Question: is collection friday possible? - seang1967 (29-10-2024)
Response: Hi how much would you charge for collection on Friday please thanks matt
Question: hi can you just confirm sizes and approx weight please - seang1967 (30-10-2024)
Response: The height including the pallett is 33 cm. Without the pallet is 21 cm
The widest point on the stack is 130 and the longest 176 cm
The weight of all palletised is up to 150 kg.
Thanks matt
Question: Can they come off the pallet and strapped to side of van,I? - seang1967 (30-10-2024)
Response: Yes as long as your van is high enough is that the best price you can do?
Question: It’s a Luton van so its about 2 metres high inside..I can collect Friday..delivered 8am Monday - seang1967 (30-10-2024)
Response: Is that your best price?I have been quoted £107
Question: sorry thats my best price..ive got to go to Goole on monday..if you are willing to meet me say half way between yours and Goole i can offer a discount - seang1967 (30-10-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: ive reduced my price a bit if that helps...balance payable cash on delivery - seang1967 (30-10-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: offer is valid for today only - seang1967 (30-10-2024)
Response: I’ve accepted your offer are we still good for collection on Friday and delivery on Monday am thanks matt
Question: thanks Matt,ill text you tomorrow to confirm but those days are still ok - seang1967 (30-10-2024)
Response: No response yet