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Listing summary


Job ref: 1222930 Date listed: 07-08-2024
Bids: 3 (0 active) Lowest bid: £139.00


Collect from:

Pickhill North Yorkshire YO7 4JG United Kingdom

Deliver to:

London Greater London SE24 0QN United Kingdom


Approx. 238 miles


Between dates
Earliest: 20-08-2024
Latest: 22-08-2024


Between dates
Earliest : 20-08-2024
Latest: 22-08-2024

Listing description

People required: 1 person (I can help)
Quantity: 1
Dimensions: 0.60 x 0.60 x 1.90 m
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
tee101 (7) £139.00 07-08-2024 Accepted
cragc0 (0) £410.00 08-08-2024 Declined
151121 (0) £496.00 07-08-2024 Declined
Show closed bids


Question: Thank you for considering us for your upcoming move. We are pleased to offer our professional bid to transport your goods from Collection Point to Drop Off Point.

Available Dates:
- August 9th
- August 10th

Our team is dedicated to delivering a seamless and secure moving experience. We ensure your valuables are handled with the utmost care and efficiency.

Service Features:
- Experienced and professional team
- Fully equipped and insured vehicles
- Timely and reliable service
- Competitive pricing

Please confirm your preferred date at your earliest convenience. We look forward to providing you with outstanding service.

PS: Move with trust. - tee101 (07-08-2024)
Response: No response yet