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Listing summary

Kitchen range

Job ref: 1211544 Date listed: 03-04-2024
Bids: 8 (0 active) Lowest bid: £250.00


Collect from:

Huddersfield West Yorkshire HD5 ONU United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Prudhoe Northumberland NE42 5LH United Kingdom


Approx. 128 miles


Between dates
Earliest: 14-04-2024
Latest: 25-04-2024


Between dates
Earliest : 15-04-2024
Latest: 26-04-2024

Listing description

People required: 2 People
Quantity: 1
Dimensions: 0.90 x 0.60 x 0.90 m
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
star_delivery (629) £250.00 04-04-2024 Declined
questlog2003 (0) £252.00 04-04-2024 Declined
star_delivery (629) £311.00 04-04-2024 Replaced
questlog2003 (0) £313.00 04-04-2024 Replaced
star_delivery (629) £321.00 04-04-2024 Replaced
star_delivery (629) £322.00 04-04-2024 Replaced
questlog2003 (0) £325.00 04-04-2024 Replaced
notts_courier (262) £337.00 03-04-2024 Accepted


Question: Hello, Can you provide model of cooker. Any steps, floor level? - notts_courier (03-04-2024)
Response: Hi It's a Belling Kensington 90cm. If you deliver to our back door no steps and no steps at the pick up house. Thanks
Hello paid deposit at the beginning of the week and hoped for a response within 48 hours but as yet nothing received. can you contact me to arrange specific time for pick up please, thanks Carol
Question: Hello, Thank you for accepting quote. The job sheet shown collection from Between dates
Earliest pickup: 14.04.2024
We can do this job on Wednesday 17th, 19th ,20th or 24rd. Which of these days do you prefer? The 2 people on collection and delivery. Regards - notts_courier (11-04-2024)
Response: Thanks very much for your response. the best day for a pick up would be the 24th, hope that is still OK? many thanks Carol
Question: Hello, Yes, Collection will be on Wednesday 24th between 8am-9am and delivery will be same day. I will send a message one day before collection Regards - notts_courier (15-04-2024)
Response: Many thanks