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Listing summary

Sliding gate

Job ref: 1209823 Date listed: 18-03-2024
Bids: 3 (0 active) Lowest bid: £98.00


Collect from:

London Greater London IG117LN United Kingdom

Deliver to:

London Greater London E4 9QD United Kingdom


Approx. 18 miles


ASAP (1-3 days)


ASAP (1-3 days)

Listing description

People required: 1 person (I can help)
Quantity: 1
Dimensions: 4.00 x 0.10 x 1.95 m
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
moverpro (115) £96.00 19-03-2024 Withdrawn
moverpro (115) £98.00 19-03-2024 Accepted
top_movers (133) £176.00 19-03-2024 Declined
Show closed bids


Question: Hello, the quote is man and luton van whit tile lift. when you need to do?
Thank you - moverpro (19-03-2024)
Response: Hi there. I'm looking to move it this week if possible. The collection address is from IG117LN
Question: Hello, ok no it is same quote. if you happy let me know pls.
Thank you - moverpro (19-03-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: Can be done this tomorrow or on Friday? There stairs involved? The quote man and van so need to help both ends. IG11 collection post code no problem. Thanks - moverpro (20-03-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: Hello. Yep, I checked the postcode. No problem, same price.
Are you still interested in booking this job? Please let me know.

Thank you. - moverpro (20-03-2024)
Response: Can you do it tomorrow please. I'm at the delivery address all day. The collection address is where the gates been made. My number is
Question: Tomorrow would be fine. Please accept my bid. After that let me know collection and delivery full address including post code and contact numbers - moverpro (20-03-2024)
Response: No response yet