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Listing summary

Timber boards

Job ref: 1204806 Date listed: 02-02-2024
Bids: 3 (0 active) Lowest bid: £199.00


Collect from:

Perth Perth And Kinross PH1 3QF United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Tamworth Staffordshire B77 2EA United Kingdom


Approx. 336 miles


Economy (7-10 days)


Economy (7-10 days)

Listing description

People required: 1 person (I can help)
Quantity: 1
Dimensions: 2.40 x 0.56 x 1.80 m
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
milly7475 (85) £199.00 02-02-2024 Accepted
82transporteraa (465) £250.00 02-02-2024 Declined
milly7475 (85) £252.00 02-02-2024 Replaced
Show closed bids


Question: Please confirm the measurements, quantity and Total Weight of Boards - 82transporteraa (02-02-2024)
Response: 70 boards weight about 65kg
2.4m long
Height and depth depends on how they stack them.
approx 560mm x 180mm
Question: When could these be collected? - milly7475 (02-02-2024)
Response: Not ordered yet but about 10 days.
Question: 65kg each - 82transporteraa (02-02-2024)
Response: That's right - total weight is 65kg
Question: we have a van going up to Aberdeen, on the 11th could bring them back , have you a budget in mind? - milly7475 (02-02-2024)
Response: Hi Milly,

it's a charity project. I even thought of driving up my self but am struggling for time. We're building a community food hub. So, just as cheap as you can afford to do it please. Michael
Question: presume total weight is 65kg and not each? - milly7475 (02-02-2024)
Response: that's right Milly - each board is 750grams. Total weight about 65kg.
Question: Have submitted a quote which based on the distance and time is about right let me know what you think - milly7475 (02-02-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: I can Collect and Deliver within 7 Days from Booking ( excluding Weekends ) between the following hours ( 05:30 and 21:30 ) prior notice will be given the day before Collection and a call 60 minutes prior to arrival.
PLEASE share, if there are any special requirements or RESTRICTIONS (Collection/Delivery days or times, Parking, Access) PRIOR TO BOOKING.

Subject to HELP loading and unloading, if needed (Ground floor to Ground floor only, unless negociated)

A Faster or Specific date service is available at a different price
Ali - 82transporteraa (02-02-2024)
Response: What would the cost be?
Question: Have requoted to fit your budget if you accept we can book the job on to our system - milly7475 (02-02-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: Ive attached my quote for you to consider - 82transporteraa (02-02-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: if you would kindly let us know, so we can arrange for the van to have the capacity on the 11th or 12th - milly7475 (02-02-2024)
Response: Hi, thanks for your patience. We are going for the 12th. Its Glenalmond Timber PH1 3QF
Question: Hi if would kindly accept the job we will book our van to collect on the 12th

- milly7475 (02-02-2024)
Response: No response yet