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Listing summary

Motorcycle exhaust

Job ref: 1134845 Date listed: 29-05-2022
Bids: 8 (0 active) Lowest bid: £79.00


Collect from:

Folkestone Kent CT18 8DA United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Windlesham Surrey GU20 6JL United Kingdom


Approx. 95 miles


Economy (7-10 days)


Economy (7-10 days)

Listing description

People required: 1 person (I can help)
Quantity: 1
Dimensions: 1.00 x 0.30 x 0.30 m
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
carpartsspecialist (0) £79.00 03-06-2022 Declined
parttimehaul (7) £80.00 03-06-2022 Accepted
carpartsspecialist (0) £83.00 03-06-2022 Replaced
parttimehaul (7) £85.00 01-06-2022 Replaced
parttimehaul (7) £120.00 01-06-2022 Replaced
parttimehaul (7) £125.00 31-05-2022 Replaced
parttimehaul (7) £135.00 30-05-2022 Replaced
nigel1066 (322) £138.00 29-05-2022 Declined
Show closed bids


Question: Hi there!
Is the item packed in a box, pallet or wrapped?

regards - priority_ship (29-05-2022)
Response: Hi,
No I think it’s not wrapped. But I’m not worried about it getting scratched as it’s the headers and catalytic converter part of the exhaust.
Question: Sorry, but it must be at least wrapped with cardboard sheet or bubble wrap. Many thanks! - priority_ship (29-05-2022)
Response: No response yet
Question: is this job still available ?? - parttimehaul (01-06-2022)
Response: Hi,
Yes it is. And thanks for the quotes but it’s still a bit too expensive.
Question: Ollie do you still want me to do this job for you??? - parttimehaul (03-06-2022)
Response: Hi, yes I’m just having trouble getting the seller to agree to a courier collecting it. He keeps coming up with new excuses. I’m pushing for Monday if that’s still available.
Sorry for the delay, I can’t understand why the seller is reluctant for you to collect it.
Question: Hi, rite ok , its not like he has got to pay for it to be collected .
Monday is still ok . - parttimehaul (03-06-2022)
Response: No response yet
Question: Well Ollie either the guy wants to sell it or not or have you been conned .
I can even collect over the weekend if wanted , other than that he can deliver it himself .
PS he sounds like a time waister . - parttimehaul (03-06-2022)
Response: He’s saying it can be collected before 8am Monday as he must leave at 8am, so say 7-8am, or 5:30 pm onwards. Postcode is CT18 8DA, I’ve asked for a house number.
Is this ok for you?
Question: Hi it would be nice if i could collect either today or tomorrow (sunday) and deliver to you on monday,
but if he wants to hang onto it till monday then i will pick up monday before 8am .
When i do get hold of it when wuold you like it delivered ?? - parttimehaul (04-06-2022)
Response: Hi, he’s said tomorrow is the same as Monday I.e. before 8am or in the evening 6 pm onwards. Which would you prefer - Sunday or Monday to collect? I don’t mind when you deliver - I work from home on Monday or Wednesday, and my wife will be in Tuesday, Thursday or Friday.

He said the house is in the centre of the postcode on Teddars Leas, none of the houses have numbers but Northfield is opposite a lay-by and the car with the exhaust in is parked in the lay-by.
Question: Hi ollie just googled it and found his house (northfield) i'm going to leave it till monday for collection before 8am and will let you know when i have it and on my way to you .
So what you have to do now is accept my quote, pay a small fee and then I get sent a job sheet with all details on . - parttimehaul (04-06-2022)
Question: And your address is ?? - parttimehaul (04-06-2022)
Response: Oh yeah - sorry! 1 Hawkes Leap, Windlesham, Surrey GU20 6JL. House on corner of Hawkes Leap and Snows Ride with red door.
Question: Hi Ollie you need to accept my quote .
When you do i will get sent details about the job . - parttimehaul (05-06-2022)
Response: Ok will do.
Question: Thanks ollie got it all now - parttimehaul (05-06-2022)
Response: Thanks. The collection code that you’ll need to tell the seller is 825265. He can then mark it as collected on eBay.

He should only need the above code, but in case that doesn’t work can I WhatsApp you the QR code to your mobile?
Question: Sorry ollie i don't do whatsapp , i'm sure that ref number will be ok .
I will text you my number anyway . - parttimehaul (05-06-2022)
Response: No response yet