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Listing summary

1 x Car / SUV: mazda mx5

Job ref: 1213338 Date listed: 25-04-2024
Bids: 7 (0 active) Lowest bid: £264.00


Collect from:

Sheffield South Yorkshire S25 2nw United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Cheshunt Hertfordshire En7 6PF United Kingdom


Approx. 164 miles


Fixed date


Fixed date

Listing description

Body type: Convertible
Make: mazda
Model: mx5
Operational: Yes
Additional information
Service type: Transported (i.e. not driven)
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
brytan83 (251) £264.00 25-04-2024 Accepted
lee_t56 (8) £398.00 25-04-2024 Declined
lee_t56 (8) £421.00 25-04-2024 Replaced
tccamion10 (71) £422.00 25-04-2024 Declined
lee_t56 (8) £434.00 25-04-2024 Replaced
tccamion10 (71) £435.00 25-04-2024 Replaced
lee_t56 (8) £483.00 25-04-2024 Replaced
Show closed bids


Question: Hi. How are you? Do you have a preferred date you would like this vehicle transported?
Many thanks Jay
- theno1vehicletransporter (25-04-2024)
Response: Hi Im well thank you
I would like this done today collection 5pm today - and back to me

Question: Hi when do you want this job doing please I could do this today thanks tony - tccamion10 (25-04-2024)
Response: Hi Tony hope your well whats your price please ?
also today collection around 5pm please then back to me
Question: Hi ok I’ll put in a bid must know now if any good thanks tony - tccamion10 (25-04-2024)
Response: there a few spare to bring back also. 4 spare wheels a bonnet and some little bits

Question: Hi anyone towing a trailer to transport your vehicle make sure they have a tachograph and a tachograph card in their vehicle - tccamion10 (25-04-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: Ok thanks I’ll not bother thanks tony - tccamion10 (25-04-2024)
Response: Sorry do you mean you dont want to do it.
Question: Hey there! Just a quick heads-up – We've got open slot for car transport tTODAY THURSDAY AFTERNOON With our track record of 100% positive feedback and a commitment to professionalism, We guarantee a smooth and reliable service. If you need your car moved, we've got you covered. Feel free to reach out for more details.
Just note, I'm take first intersted - brytan83 (25-04-2024)
Response: can you so this as a same day from 5pm
Question: Hi one’s the car is on my recovery truck there wouldn’t be any room for the spares thanks tony - tccamion10 (25-04-2024)
Response: Hi Tony ok ill have ill see what he can fit in the car for me and ill collect the anther time
Question: today 5pm pick up? - brytan83 (25-04-2024)
Response: yes if poss im just getting hes address,

Question: Ok let me know what happens thanks tony - tccamion10 (25-04-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: IF YOU READY ACCEPT MY QUOTE, THANK YOU - brytan83 (25-04-2024)
Response: Thank i will be doing that soon just confriming his address and will be home at 5pm bare with me for 30 mins
Question: OK
- brytan83 (25-04-2024)
Response: just spoken with him 5:45 collection address will be with me in a mo ill fire that to you soon
Question: Hi yes perfect - brytan83 (25-04-2024)
Response: here is the address for collection
Contact Name
Jake - 07780 977718
Unit 3 Edward Street
S25 2NW

Delivery Address
Jason Panayiotou
07810 812979
4 friern close
en7 6pf

all paid mate
Question: OK, thank you, but pick up is bissines adres so still need after 5 pm?! I let you know what time delivery if I have you car on platform, thank you - brytan83 (25-04-2024)
Response: Hi mate yes 5:45 please

Thank you for your help

Hi ya

Confirming all is good for today
Question: Hi yes, I have full pick up address but send me ne garage please, than kyou - brytan83 (25-04-2024)
Response: Its unit 3 its work shop jake will meet you there i have given him your number
Question: Ah ok, thank you - brytan83 (25-04-2024)
Response: Thank you do you want me to re send his contact details.

Also you have all of my contact details
Question: jason this is you number delivery?!, thank you - brytan83 (25-04-2024)
Response: Delivery - Jason - Cheshunt - 07810 812979

Collection Jake - Sheffiled - 07780 977718