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Listing summary

Mattress, a dozen boxes of personal items and a deconstructed table

Job ref: 1206178 Date listed: 14-02-2024
Bids: 32 (0 active) Lowest bid: £349.00


Collect from:

Manchester Greater Manchester M15 5TE United Kingdom

Deliver to:

London Greater London SW7 2QG United Kingdom


Approx. 208 miles


Fixed date


Fixed date

Listing description

People required: 2 People
Group 1
Quantity: 1
Dimensions: 1.95 x 1.42 x 0.30 m
Group 2
Quantity: 1
Dimensions: 0.60 x 0.60 x 0.60 m
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
ashpatel (308) £299.00 16-02-2024 Lapsed
82transporteraa (450) £300.00 16-02-2024 Replaced
ashpatel (308) £319.00 16-02-2024 Replaced
82transporteraa (450) £323.00 16-02-2024 Replaced
ashpatel (308) £324.00 16-02-2024 Replaced
ashpatel (308) £340.00 16-02-2024 Replaced
82transporteraa (450) £341.00 16-02-2024 Replaced
ashpatel (308) £342.00 16-02-2024 Replaced
ashpatel (308) £349.00 22-02-2024 Declined
82transporteraa (450) £350.00 22-02-2024 Accepted
ashpatel (308) £369.00 16-02-2024 Replaced
82transporteraa (450) £370.00 15-02-2024 Replaced
ashpatel (308) £371.00 15-02-2024 Replaced
ashpatel (308) £398.00 22-02-2024 Replaced
82transporteraa (450) £399.00 22-02-2024 Replaced
82transporteraa (450) £430.00 22-02-2024 Replaced
82transporteraa (450) £433.00 15-02-2024 Replaced
ashpatel (308) £433.00 22-02-2024 Replaced
ashpatel (308) £434.00 15-02-2024 Replaced
82transporteraa (450) £435.00 15-02-2024 Replaced
82transporteraa (450) £450.00 22-02-2024 Lapsed
murray7 (61) £459.00 22-02-2024 Declined
82transporteraa (450) £500.00 15-02-2024 Replaced
ashpatel (308) £553.00 15-02-2024 Lapsed
ashpatel (308) £553.00 15-02-2024 Replaced
murray7 (61) £554.00 15-02-2024 Lapsed
murray7 (61) £554.00 15-02-2024 Lapsed
ashpatel (308) £611.00 15-02-2024 Replaced
james225 (86) £671.00 15-02-2024 Lapsed
james225 (86) £706.00 14-02-2024 Lapsed
james225 (86) £729.00 22-02-2024 Declined
amata87 (0) £905.00 22-02-2024 Declined
Show closed bids


Question: According to your dates you require storage for 1 month, is this correct? - murray7 (15-02-2024)
Response: No, I wrote (unless i'm mistaken) that I would need the items transported and delivered on the same day (2nd of April)
Question: Hiya
It does say delivery 2/5 but i assumed that was probably a typo.
In that case my price still stands.
Thanks for the rapid response to my question - murray7 (15-02-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: Good Morning,
I can Collect and Deliver within 7 Days from Booking ( excluding Weekends ) between the following hours ( 05:30 and 21:30 ) prior notice will be given the day before Collection and a call 60 minutes prior to arrival.
PLEASE share, if there are any special requirements or RESTRICTIONS (Collection/Delivery days or times, Parking, Access) PRIOR TO BOOKING.

Subject to HELP loading and unloading, if needed (Ground floor to Ground floor only, unless negociated)

A Faster or Specific date service is available at a different price
Ali - 82transporteraa (15-02-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: I can Deliver between 12:00 & 16:00 on the 6thof April

Collection Friday Afternoon or Saturday between 06:30 & 07:30 - 82transporteraa (22-02-2024)
Response: If you can renew the offer you made previously of £300, then we have a deal. Especially since I removed the Sofa.
Question: The Delivery is a Saturday hence the price. - 82transporteraa (22-02-2024)
Response: How about 350?
Question: Amended, I'll await your Booking. - 82transporteraa (22-02-2024)
Response: Hello, would you be able to also take away a mattress to dispose of it?