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Listing summary

1 x Car / SUV: Ford Focus

Job ref: 1214844 Date listed: 14-05-2024
Bids: 21 (2 active) Lowest bid: £1,121.00


Collect from:

Hockliffe Central Bedfordshire LU7 9LQ United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Aberdeen Aberdeen City AB11 5NP United Kingdom


Approx. 497 miles


Fixed date


Fixed date

Listing description

Body type: Hatchback
Make: Ford
Model: Focus
Operational: Yes
Additional information
Service type: Transported (i.e. not driven)
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
lee_t56 (13) £1,121.00 15-05-2024 14-06-2024
classic_movers_555 (23) £1,173.00 15-05-2024 14-06-2024
supermarine (19) £496.00 17-05-2024 Withdrawn
supermarine (19) £525.00 17-05-2024 Replaced
amarok (0) £530.00 17-05-2024 Expired
supermarine (19) £531.00 17-05-2024 Replaced
amarok (0) £550.00 17-05-2024 Replaced
supermarine (19) £554.00 16-05-2024 Withdrawn
supermarine (19) £554.00 17-05-2024 Replaced
amarok (0) £601.00 16-05-2024 Replaced
supermarine (19) £613.00 15-05-2024 Replaced
supermarine (19) £706.00 15-05-2024 Replaced
supermarine (19) £729.00 15-05-2024 Replaced
supermarine (19) £788.00 15-05-2024 Replaced
classic_movers_555 (23) £1,070.00 14-05-2024 Lapsed
lee_t56 (13) £1,172.00 15-05-2024 Replaced
watp.movements (24) £1,173.00 14-05-2024 Lapsed
lee_t56 (13) £1,173.00 14-05-2024 Lapsed
lee_t56 (13) £1,173.00 15-05-2024 Replaced
lee_t56 (13) £1,275.00 15-05-2024 Replaced
lee_t56 (13) £1,378.00 14-05-2024 Replaced
Show closed bids


Question: Hi, any chance this can be driven to Aberdeen?
Richard - relyonme8 (14-05-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: hi i can do this on the 17th for you lee - lee_t56 (14-05-2024)
Response: All in one day ?
If so you have to get there before 18:00 because there will be no staff to let you in
How much I’ve been quoted for £650 if you can do any better as that ?
Question: hi if the car can be picked up early friday morning and i can't do no better on the price lee - lee_t56 (14-05-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: hi cheapest i can do this is 950 + site fees lee - lee_t56 (15-05-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: book b y 4pm today or slot gone thanks graham - supermarine (15-05-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: in pik up point only 17th may before returning home too dundee cheers graham - supermarine (15-05-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: another chance for you too book 6pm tonight is your deadline thanks graham - supermarine (16-05-2024)
Response: No response yet