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Listing summary

1 x Car / SUV: VW Golf

Job ref: 1205602 Date listed: 09-02-2024
Bids: 24 (0 active) Lowest bid: £600.00


Collect from:

Sheffield South Yorkshire S13 9BX United Kingdom

Deliver to:

Forres Moray IV36 2HG United Kingdom


Approx. 416 miles


Economy (7-10 days)


Economy (7-10 days)

Listing description

Body type: Hatchback
Make: VW
Model: Golf
Operational: Yes
Additional information
Service type: Transported (i.e. not driven)
Bid Amount Submitted Expires
fairforever (5) £490.00 12-02-2024 Lapsed
fairforever (5) £496.00 12-02-2024 Replaced
mjyellowtowtruck (7) £496.00 12-02-2024 Lapsed
mjyellowtowtruck (7) £553.00 12-02-2024 Replaced
fairforever (5) £554.00 12-02-2024 Replaced
mjyellowtowtruck (7) £577.00 12-02-2024 Replaced
fairforever (5) £578.00 12-02-2024 Replaced
mjyellowtowtruck (7) £600.00 10-02-2024 Replaced
lyntrans (21) £600.00 14-02-2024 Declined
a1towing (304) £601.00 10-02-2024 Lapsed
a1towing (304) £601.00 14-02-2024 Accepted
lyntrans (21) £606.00 14-02-2024 Replaced
mjyellowtowtruck (7) £610.00 10-02-2024 Replaced
wendy-neil (11) £611.00 10-02-2024 Withdrawn
mjyellowtowtruck (7) £613.00 10-02-2024 Replaced
brytan83 (252) £613.00 14-02-2024 Declined
a1towing (304) £613.00 14-02-2024 Replaced
a1towing (304) £636.00 09-02-2024 Replaced
lyntrans (21) £642.00 09-02-2024 Lapsed
lincedtrans03 (21) £671.00 09-02-2024 Declined
lincedtrans03 (21) £708.00 09-02-2024 Lapsed
lincedtrans03 (21) £708.00 09-02-2024 Replaced
1paulbol (12) £712.00 09-02-2024 Lapsed
1paulbol (12) £729.00 14-02-2024 Declined
Show closed bids


Question: Good evening, do you have any dates in mind? - 1paulbol (09-02-2024)
Response: Anytime that suits. There's no rush. Will it be towed or tailored?
Ok just checking you know how far I am from Evesham. It's over 470miles in the Highlands of Scotland?
Question: This will be on my trailer, could do it Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning - 1paulbol (10-02-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: Yes I am well aware. I'm from Inverness lol - 1paulbol (10-02-2024)
Response: Ah right so not far. I'm not sure when the car will be ready for collection as they still need to do some bits to it so I'll let you know when its ready for collection. They did say that they'd hold it for 2 weeks if that's any help to you?
Hi My pick up location has changed are you still available for collection in Sheffield? If so please submit another quote
Question: There's no problem. If you want to accept the booking we will be able to exchange numbers and I've it's ready I can get it. - 1paulbol (10-02-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: Hi there! When are you planning to transport your car? We have two experienced drivers ready to assist you. Let me know your preferred schedule. - brytan83 (14-02-2024)
Response: No response yet
Question: hi i can do this collection for you and i am happy to wait until the vehicle is ready-i am used to collecting and delivering in the highlands of scotland-regards nigel - lyntrans (14-02-2024)
Response: No response yet